Celebrating the Impact of Alumnae Donors

The Rustenburg Alumnae Committee expresses deep gratitude to donors whose generosity uplifts and transforms lives. Donor support through fundraising and sponsorships significantly advances educational opportunities for aspiring learners via the Rustenburg Alumnae Bursary Funds.

At the 130th Birthday Celebration, prestigious accolades showcasing the collective efforts of the alumnae community were awarded. Caitlin Anstey E23, Kelly Prowse E22 and Erin Coull E21 received the Diamond Jubilee Award for Top Matriculant in their matric year. The Rustenburg Alumnae Bursary aided Lauren Schaefer E17, Scarlett Lethbridge E23 and Amaan Samaai E23 in pursuing tertiary education.

The Jean Jackson Annual Scholarship, supporting academic excellence over five years, was awarded. The Palmam Meruit Award recognized Hlubi Mboya E95 for outstanding achievements. The Angela Harding Leadership Award honoured Gabriella Rhoodt and Rethabile Amy Kaira for their positive impact on society. Alumnae contributions have an impact beyond financial assistance as they inspire hope and opportunity which empowers young women to pursue their dreams confidently.