Welcome to the Rustenburg Alumnae Association! Our mission is to connect past pupils, support our schools, and administer bursaries. We aim to:
Connect Alumnae: Foster networking and mutual support among former pupils.
Support Schools: Strengthen the bond between Rustenburg Girls’ Schools and their alumnae.
Promote Welfare: Promote the interests and welfare of both schools.
Administer Bursaries & Awards: Raise funds and manage bursaries and awards to support deserving students and alumnae.
Our dedicated committee members are former pupils and co-opted members committed to giving back to the Rustenburg community. Stay connected, get involved, and be a part of the Rustenburg Alumnae community. We look forward to working with you!

Who are members?

Past Pupils who matriculated after 2000 are automatically members of Rustenburg Alumnae. Membership fees are covered by the Matric school fees.

Those who matriculated before 2000 and have not yet joined the RA Association should fill out the form below to become a member.


Life Membership is R350 once off.

Become a member

Apply here